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Early Learning and Out of School Programs

Infants and Toddlers

Infant and Toddler Care

About the Program:

Infant Care: 6 weeks – 12 months

MCCSC provides care and education for their youngest learners at the Early Learning Center’s North and South locations. The Early Learning Centers are state-licensed and Paths to QUALITY Level-3. Our centers provide a warm, responsive, and individualized environment for your infant. Staff are trained in Infant CPR and First Aid and follow state-regulated “Safe Sleep” procedures. Small class sizes and individualized care for your infant are just a few of the many reasons to choose MCCSC for your infant care needs!


Toddler Care: 12 months – 36 months

MCCSC provides toddler care for families with children ages 12-36 months at the Early Learning Center’s North and South locations. Our teaching teams strive to provide nurturing care while helping children develop the self-help skills necessary for their success both in the classroom and at home. Classrooms offer multiple learning centers and daily activities in the areas of art, math and science, music and movement and more to provide children with a variety of different experiences to explore.

  • MCCSC Early Learning classrooms use the Creative Curriculum when planning developmentally appropriate lessons. This curriculum is research-based, hands-on, and focuses on using play as the best model of learning. Students experience a variety of free-choice and structured play through 10 learning centers. Learning centers align with Indiana’s Early Learning Standards.

  • You will become familiar with your student’s daily schedule very quickly. Daily schedules are posted in each classroom and will be included in newsletters sent home from teachers and staff. Daily classroom routines and procedures will be consistent while remaining flexible to meet the needs of the students. Students will participate in free-choice and planned activities in the areas of:

    • Language and literacy
    • Math, science, and technology
    • Music, movement, and art
    • Fine and gross motor skills
  • MCCSC Early Learning classrooms will have a daily rest time. Students will be allowed to fall asleep and wake naturally. Students who choose not to sleep will be given quiet activities to do on their cot. Toddler, Preschool, and Pre-K students are encouraged to bring one blanket and one comfort item from home for nap time. These items are kept in the student’s cubby and are sent home periodically to be laundered.

  • All students will participate in daily outside playground or recess time. Outdoor time is held, weather permitting, and students should dress accordingly for the weather. Coats, hats and gloves will be needed for cold-weather days. In cold weather, Students will remain indoors when the wind chill (“feels like”) temperature is below 25 degrees.

  • All classrooms are led by staff who meet the educational requirements for their position. Additional teaching staff assist in classrooms, keeping with state-mandated staff-child ratios. Background checks are conducted, and annual health and safety updates as well as continued professional development are required.

  • All MCCSC schools are locked buildings with a video entry system. In order to enter the building, families will be required to ring the video monitor to gain access. All staff have a picture ID badge to gain entry into the building.

  • School supplies for your student are provided by MCCSC for the school year. You will be asked to provide your student with a personal water bottle and a change of clothes.

  • The following meals are included in the cost of tuition:

    • Breakfast
    • AM Snack
    • Lunch
    • PM Snack
  • The staff at the Early Learning Center locations pride themselves on communicating effectively with families. Children and families are greeted warmly during drop off times, and staff will check in with families again at pick up times. In addition to in-person communication, The Early Learning Centers communicate with families using an app called, “Playground”. This app allows families and staff to message each other. Families can also view pictures of their child’s day and read reports about their activities. Families can also pay their monthly tuition bill directly on the app.

  • The Early Learning Centers create positive and personal relationships with families, knowing that the family is the child’s first teacher. MCCSC’s Early Learning Centers hold several events through the school year to build family engagement including:

    • Open house events
    • Family-staff conferences
    • Family celebrations including: Grandparent’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day
    • NAEYC’s “Week of the Young Child” event
  • Infant Feeding and Sleeping:

    The Early Learning Center staff provide individualized care for infants and allow children to eat and sleep “on demand” in accordance with the child’s natural schedule. Families will provide infant formula, breastmilk, and food for their child until the infant turns 12 months of age, and then the child will be provided breakfast, lunch, and two daily snacks.


    Diapers and Supplies:

    Families provide diapers for their child as well as general supplies, including extra clothes.

  • Health Statement:

    The Early Learning Centers strive to provide a healthy and safe learning environment for all children. If a child experiences an illness which prevents them from participating in activities comfortably (as determined by the staff) or an illness resulting in a greater need for care than the staff can reasonably provide without compromising the health or safety of other children in the classroom the child will be sent home as soon as possible.

    The following exclusions will apply for any of these conditions:

    • Fever: A student will be sent home if their temperature is at least 100.4°. They will need to be fever-free (without the use of medication) for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
    • Diarrhea: (Not associated with diet changes or medications) A child will be sent home if there are multiple loose or water instances within an hour, or if accompanied with a fever and/or vomiting. Children will need to be symptom-free for 24 hours prior to returning to school. Children who are under 2-years-old will be evaluated on an individual basis by ELC and HHCC administration, under the guidance of MCCSC’s Health Services.
    • Vomiting: A child will be sent home if they vomit during the school day with an additional symptom (i.e. temperature of 100.4°.) If vomiting is the student’s only symptom, the center’s Site Supervisor will work with Health Services for further guidance. Children will need to be symptom-free for 24 hours prior to returning to school. Children who are under 12 months of age will be evaluated on an individual basis by ELC and HHCC administration, under the guidance of MCCSC’s Health Services.
    • Eye Discharge: A student will be sent home if they have green or yellow discharge along with swelling of the eyes. They will need to be symptom-free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
    • Open Sores/Rashes: A student will be sent home if a sore or rash is open or bleeding. If a student has eczema, wounds will be covered with a bandage if they are bleeding. If the wound cannot be safely contained, they will be excluded from care until resolved.
    • Runny Nose: A student will be sent home if they have a consistent runny nose accompanied with a constant cough. The center Site Supervisor will consult with Health Services if the runny nose produces green or yellow discharge for further guidance.
    • Sore Throat: A student will be sent home with a severe sore throat that makes them uncomfortable, or is presented with another symptom.
    • Chickenpox: If a student has chickenpox, they may return to school when all lesions are crusted over and dry.
    • Head Lice: Health services will contact family on further action to take, and student’s return date.
  • All Schools Closed/eLEARNING:

    Early Learning Centers (North & South):  If MCCSC is closed or moves to an eLearning day due to winter weather conditions, all Early Learning programs are closed.


    All Schools Delayed:

    Early Learning Centers (North & South): If MCCSC operates on a two-hour delay, centers will operate on the normal schedule.


    All Schools Dismissed Early:

    Early Learning Centers (North & South): If MCCSC announces an early dismissal, centers will evaluate weather conditions, and dismiss early if necessary.

Hours and Locations

Program Hours:

School-Year (August-May):

  • 6:45 am – 5:45 pm, Monday-Friday
  • Early Learning Center – North is a school year only program

Summer Session (June-July):

  • 7:30 am – 5:30 pm, Monday-Friday

Infant/Toddler Locations:

Early Learning Center – North 

Inside Hoosier Hills Career Center

3070 N. Prow Rd.

Bloomington, IN 47404


Early Learning Center – South

401 E. Miller Drive

Bloomington, IN 47401

Tuition Information

Monthly Tuition Rates: 2025-2026 School Year

Infants (6 weeks – 12 months): $1,150.00 per month

Toddlers (12 months – 36 months): $1,100.00 per month



  • There are no additional fees or deposits required on top of the monthly tuition rate
  • CCDF vouchers are accepted

Tuition Information: 

Tuition Notes (If/when applicable)

  • All tuition is due one month prior to service. Tuition is due by the 15th of each month.
  • For ease of budgeting, annual tuition rates are divided over 10 months to provide families with a flat monthly fee.
  • Any unpaid balances on the last business day of the month may result in removal from the program.

Late Fee: A $20 late fee will be added to the account of any family who still owes a balance after the billing due date. 

Late Charges: A late charge of $1.00 per minute per child will be assessed for any children remaining beyond 5:45 pm. Late fee times are determined by the timestamp when the child is checked out.

Withdrawal from the Program: If you need to withdraw your child from the program, please contact the Office of Early Learning and Out of School Programs one month prior to the withdrawal.

Refunds: Refunds will only be available at the discretion of the Program Manager. Please allow 6-8 weeks to process at the end of the school year.

Payment Methods: 

Payments may be made by using the following options:

  1. Center-Based Locations: Playground Parent Account
  2. In-Person: Early Learning and Out of School Programs, 553 E. Miller Drive, Bloomington, IN
    1. Office Hours (School Year): 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday
    2. Office Hours (Summer): 8:00 am-4:30pm, Monday-Thursday
  3. Telephone: (812) 330-7702
  4. Mail: Early Learning and Out of School Programs, 553 E. Miller Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401
    1. Payment must be received in our office by the due date
    2. Check or money order may be made out to “Early Learning Programs” with your child’s name and school in the memo line

Early Learning Program Guide

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Tuition Information - 2024-2025 School Year

Early Learning: Monthly Tuition Rates & Information: 2024-2025 School Year

Age Group Monthly Tuition Rate
Infants: 6 weeks-12 months $1100
Toddlers: 1-3 years-old $1000

Preschool: 3-years-old

Early Learning Center (6:45a-5:45p)

Hoosier Hills Childcare Center (6:45a-5:45p)


Preschool: 3-years-old

Clear Creek Elementary (9:30a-4:15p)

Grandview Elementary (9:30a-4:15p)

University Elementary (9:15a-4:00p)



  • Monthly tuition rates are determined by the age of the child at enrollment.
  • The tuition rate will remain in effect for the duration of the school year: August-May.
  • All tuition is due one month prior to service. Tuition is due by the 15th of each month. 
  • Any unpaid balances on the last business day of the month may result in removal from the program
  • A 2.5% discount is offered per semester when paid in full by 7/31 and 12/20.
  • A 5% discount is offered if the entire amount for the school year is paid in full by 7/31.


Payment Methods:

Payments may be made by using the following options:

  • Playground Parent Portal
  • In Person:  Office of Early Learning and Out of School Programs, located at 553 E. Miller Drive.
  • Telephone: (812) 330-7702 
  • Mail: Office of Early Learning and Out of School Programs, 553 E. Miller Drive Bloomington, IN 47401
    • Payment must be received in our office by the due date
    • Check or money order may be made out to “Early Learning Programs” with your child’s name and school in the memo line.

If paying in person or by telephone, the Office of Early Learning and Out of School Programs is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:30 pm.

Late Charges:

A late charge of $1.00 per minute/child will be assessed for any children remaining beyond 5:45 pm (5:30 pm during our Summer Session.) Late fee times are determined if the parent/guardian enters the building after 5:45 pm.


Leave of Absence:

If a family requests a leave of absence during the school year, they may request one of the options below:

1.    Allow the center to hold the seat for the child by paying the monthly tuition.

2.    Move to the enrollment waitlist.

Withdrawal from the Program:

If you need to withdraw from the program, please contact the Office of Early Learning and Out of School Programs one month prior to the date of withdrawal.

Child Care Development Fund (CCDF): 

Children who receive funding through CCDF are required to have their parent or guardian use their participation card every time they enter or leave a program. Under no circumstances should you ask a staff member to do this for you. We are happy to assist you, but we are not allowed to keep your card or copy a card number or its pin.


Refunds will only be available at the discretion of the Program Manager. Please allow 6-8 weeks to process at the end of the school year.


Enrollment is held on a first-come, first-served basis. Enrollment is satisfied when: enrollment forms and fees, immunizations records, birth certificate, and proof of address are received. You will work with MCCSC’s Office of Early Learning Programs during the enrollment process, to determine the start date for your child.


Contact Information:

Early Learning and Out of School Programs

553 E. Miller Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401

(812) 330-7702