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Early Learning and Out of School Programs

3-year-old Preschool

3-Year-Old Preschool

About the Program:

3-year-old Preschool education is provided at both Early Learning Center locations and six elementary schools. MCCSC’s 3-year-old Preschool classrooms are state-licensed and Paths to QUALITY Levels 3 & 4. Preschool staff work with students to develop skills in language and literacy, fine and gross motor, cognitive, and social-emotional domains while encouraging students to build the skills needed to guide their learning independently.


Contact Us!

Early Learning and Out of School Programs 

Email Address:

Phone: (812) 330-7702

Address: 553 E. Miller Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401

Office Hours:

School Year: 8:00-4:30 (Monday – Friday)

Summer: 8:00-4:30 (Monday – Thursday)

  • MCCSC Early Learning classrooms use the Creative Curriculum when planning developmentally appropriate lessons. This curriculum is research-based, hands-on, and focuses on using play as the best model of learning. Students experience a variety of free-choice and structured play through 10 learning centers. Learning centers align with Indiana’s Early Learning Standards.

  • You will become familiar with your student’s daily schedule very quickly. Daily schedules are posted in each classroom and will be included in newsletters sent home from teachers and staff. Daily classroom routines and procedures will be consistent while remaining flexible to meet the needs of the students. Students will participate in free-choice and planned activities in the areas of:

    • Language and literacy
    • Math, science, and technology
    • Music, movement, and art
    • Fine and gross motor skills
  • MCCSC Early Learning classrooms will have a daily rest time. Students will be allowed to fall asleep and wake naturally. Students who choose not to sleep will be given quiet activities during this time. Toddler, Preschool, and Pre-K students are encouraged to bring one blanket and one comfort item from home for nap time. These items are kept in the student’s cubby and are sent home periodically to be laundered.

  • All students will participate in daily outside playground or recess time. Outdoor time is held, weather permitting, and students should dress accordingly for the weather. Coats, hats and gloves will be needed for cold weather days. 

  • All classrooms are led by staff who meet the educational requirements for their position. Additional teaching staff assist in classrooms, keeping with state-regulated, staff-child ratios. Background checks are conducted, and annual health and safety updates are maintained. Teaching staff also participate in continued professional development to further their growth as educators. 

  • All MCCSC schools are locked buildings with a video entry system. In order to enter the building, families will be required to ring the video monitor to gain access. All staff have a picture ID badge to gain entry into the building.

  • School supplies for your student are provided by MCCSC for the school year. You will be asked to provide your student with a personal water bottle and a change of clothes.

  • School-Based Locations:

    MCCSC’s school-based classrooms use the app, ParentSquare to keep families informed of important school events. Additionally, families and teachers may communicate at pick-up and drop-off times. We ask that these conversations remain brief, as the teacher’s responsibility remains on supervising the children in their care. If you need to address specific concerns, please ask to schedule a time to meet outside the classroom.


    Center-Based Locations:

    The staff at the Early Learning Center locations pride themselves on communicating effectively with families. Children and families are greeted warmly during drop off times, and staff will check in with families again at pick up times. In addition to in-person communication, The Early Learning Centers communicate with families using an app called, “Playground”. This app allows families and staff to message each other. Families can also view pictures of their child’s day and read reports about their activities. Families can also pay their monthly tuition bill directly on the app.

  • School-Based Locations:

    Students in school-based Preschool and Pre-K can bring lunch from home, or breakfast and lunch may be purchased through the MCCSC Food Services Department. Money can be added to your student’s personal account by visiting Free or reduced meal options are available for qualifying families. Families may qualify for this service by completing an application at An afternoon snack is provided for all school-based Preschool and Pre-K students.

    Center-Based Locations: 

    The following meals are included in the monthly tuition:

    • Breakfast
    • AM Snack
    • Lunch
    • PM Snack
  • MCCSC Early Learning Discipline Guidelines

    The early years of a child’s life are important for the development of foundational learning, including the social-emotional skills that support children getting along with one another, building friendships, and cooperating with other children and adults. Adverse behaviors are typically the result of a child’s misunderstanding of how to accomplish a specific goal in a socially acceptable manner, or a child’s inability to exert control over emotions. In the classroom, we support children’s use of socially acceptable problem-solving skills by:

    • Setting up an environment with clearly communicated expectations and rules
    • Teaching problem-solving skills
    • Actively supporting children’s use of positive problem-solving skills in action
    • Acknowledging, labeling, and accepting children’s emotions
    • Teaching self-calming strategies
    • Redirecting children to appropriate activities


    If misbehaviors become extreme, are ongoing, or putting other children or staff in danger, early learning staff will take the following steps to help the child engage safely with others:

    • Meet privately with the child’s family to discuss the behavior concerns and to formulate a plan of action to meet the needs of the child.
    • Utilize school/center leadership and/or behavior specialists to observe in the classroom in order to determine the cause/function/triggers for the behavior, and to create an action plan that can be taken to minimize the causes of the behaviors. This action plan will include positive behavior strategies such as modifying the environment, or changing the daily schedule.
    • If the behaviors are thought to be related to a developmental delay or other special need, teachers and families will work together to seek assessment and intervention.


    It is the goal of MCCSC to limit or eliminate the use of suspension, expulsion, and other exclusionary measures. Due to the regulatory requirement to maintain specific child/staff ratios, temporary exclusion may occur if a child requires one-on-one support to maintain safety and offering such support prevents the program from meeting the ratio. Permanent exclusion is only considered after all other possible interventions have been exhausted and there is agreement that removal from the program is in the best interest of the child. If it is determined that a child must be permanently excluded from the program, early learning staff will aid the family in accessing services and alternative placements.

    This policy is in compliance with federal and state civil rights laws.

  • MCCSC’s partner Preschool providers include:

    • Bloomington Center for Global Children
    • Bloomington Developmental Learning Center
    • New Hope Early Learning Center
    • Penny Lane Child Care
    • Indiana University Bloomington
      • Campus Children’s Center
      • Hoosier Courts Nursery School

    Families must contact partner providers directly to inquire about programming.

  • All Schools Closed/eLEARNING:

    Early Learning Centers (North & South): If MCCSC is closed or moves to an eLearning day due to winter weather conditions, all Early Learning programs are closed.

    School-Based Preschool and Pre-K Programs: If MCCSC is closed or moves to an eLearning day due to winter weather conditions, all Early Learning programs are closed.


    All Schools Delayed:

    Early Learning Centers (North & South): If MCCSC operates on a two-hour delay, centers will operate on the normal schedule.

    School-Based Preschool and Pre-K Programs: If MCCSC operates on a two-hour delay, morning-only Preschool and Pre-K are canceled. Full-day Preschool and Pre-K will begin two hours after the normal start time.


    All Schools Dismissed Early:

    Early Learning Centers (North & South): If MCCSC announces an early dismissal, centers will evaluate weather conditions, and dismiss early if necessary.

    School-Based Preschool and Pre-K Programs: If MCCSC announces an early dismissal, Early Learning programs will be dismissed at that end time.


Hours and Locations

Program Hours: 2025-2026 School Year

School-Based Locations:

  • Elementary (Tier I): 9:00 am-3:45 pm*
    • Binford/Rogers, Templeton
  • Transfer Sites: 9:15 am-4:00 pm*
    • University
  • Elementary (Tier II): 9:30 am-4:15 pm*
    • Clear Creek, Grandview, Lakeview

Monday-Friday, School-Year: August-May

*MCCSC’s Extended Day program has before and after school options available


Center-Based Locations:

School-Year (August-May):

  • 6:45 am - 5:45 pm, Monday-Friday
  • Early Learning Center – North is a school year only program

Summer Session (June-July):

  • 7:30 am - 5:30 pm, Monday-Friday


  • The 3-Year-Old Preschool program operates during the school year (August-May).


3-Year-Old Preschool Locations: 2025-2026 School Year

School-Based Locations:

  • Binford/Rogers Elementary
  • Clear Creek Elementary
  • Grandview Elementary 
  • Lakeview Elementary
  • Templeton Elementary
  • University Elementary


Center-Based Locations:

  • Early Learning Center – North (HHCC)
  • Early Learning Center – South

Tuition Information

3-Year-Old Preschool Tuition: 2025-2026

2025-2026 Income Guidelines by Family Size






$800.00 per month (School-Based Locations)

$1,000.00 per month (Center-Based Locations)

2 $0 – $45,990 $45,991 and above
3 $0 – $58,095 $58,096 and above
4 $0 – $70,200 $70,201 and above
5 $0 – $82,305 $82,306 and above
6 $0 – $94,410 $94,411 and above
7 $0 – $106,515 $106,516 and above
8 $0 – $118,620 $118,621 and above




All MCCSC-districted income-eligible families can attend MCCSC’s 3-year-old Preschool program for free or receive a stipend toward partner provider programs.

Tuition Information:

Tuition Notes (If/when applicable):

  • All tuition is due one month prior to service. Tuition is due by the 15th of each month.
  • For ease of budgeting, annual tuition rates are divided over 10 months to provide families with a flat monthly fee.
  • Any unpaid balances on the last business day of the month may result in removal from the program.

Late Fee: A $20 late fee will be added to the account of any family who still owes a balance after the billing due date. 

Late Charges: A late charge of $1.00 per minute per child will be assessed for any children remaining beyond 5:45 pm. Late fee times are determined by the timestamp when the child is checked out.

Withdrawal from the Program: If you need to withdraw your child from the program, please contact the Office of Early Learning and Out of School Programs one month prior to the withdrawal.

Refunds: Refunds will only be available at the discretion of the Program Manager. Please allow 6-8 weeks to process at the end of the school year.

Payment Methods: 

Payments may be made by using the following options:

  1. Center-Based Locations: Playground Parent Account
  2. School-Based Locations: Procare Parent Portal
  3. In-Person: Early Learning and Out of School Programs, 553 E. Miller Drive, Bloomington, IN
    1. Office Hours (School Year): 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday
    2. Office Hours (Summer): 8:00 am-4:30pm, Monday-Thursday
  4. Telephone: (812) 330-7702
  5. Mail: Early Learning and Out of School Programs, 553 E. Miller Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401
    1. Payment must be received in our office by the due date
    2. Check or money order may be made out to “Early Learning Programs” with your child’s name and school in the memo line





Early Learning Program Guide

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Click here to view Program Guide.

Family Handbook - School-Based Locations

Family Handbook: Center-Based Locations

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Click here to view Family Handbook.