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Early Learning and Out of School Programs

Pre-K Frequently Asked Questions

Below are freqently asked questions regarding MCCSC’s Pre-K program. Please reach out to your student’s school administration for additional questions or concerns.

  • Thanks to the support of the MCCSC community and the MCCSC Family-Centered, Community-Focused Referendum passed by voters in November 2023, MCCSC is able to staff its Pre-K classroom with certified and licensed early childhood teachers. All Pre-K classrooms also have a Pre-K instructional aide assigned to their classroom to support the students and teacher. In addition, all MCCSC elementary buildings have additional Early Learning staff who will float between Pre-K classrooms to provide support.

  • MCCSC offers bus transportation for students in the Pre-K program. Families interested in utilizing this service should indicate their interest upon enrollment or by calling your student’s school office. Pre-K students will ride in seats specifically designed for small children. An adult will be asked to board the bus with your student and assist in buckling the student into their assigned seat.

  • All school supplies for your Pre-K student are provided by MCCSC for the 2024-2025 school year. The only items you will be asked to provide for your student are a backpack to be used throughout the school day, a personal water bottle, and a change of clothes.

  • MCCSC Pre-K classrooms will use the Creative Curriculum Pre-K series. This curriculum is research-based, hands-on, and focuses on using play as the best model of learning. Students will experience a variety of free-choice play, and structured play through 10 learning centers. Learning centers align with Indiana’s Early Learning Standards.

  • You will become familiar with your student’s daily schedule very quickly. Daily schedules are posted in each classroom and will be included in newsletters sent home from the teacher. Students will participate in free-choice activities, as well as weekly experiences in Art, Music, and PE. Daily classroom routines and procedures will be consistent while remaining flexible to meet the needs of the students.

  • Students can bring lunch from home, or breakfast and lunch may be purchased through the MCCSC food service department. Money can be added to your student’s personal account by visiting MCCSC School Menus. Free or reduced meal options are available for qualifying families. Families may qualify for this service by completing an application at MCCSC School Menus.

  • All students will receive a healthy afternoon snack in the classroom provided by the MCCSC Food Services department at no additional charge.

  • MCCSC Pre-K classrooms will have a 30-minute daily rest time. Students will be allowed to fall asleep and wake naturally. Students who choose not to sleep will be given quiet activities to do on their cot. Students are encouraged to bring one blanket and one comfort item from home for nap time. These items are kept in the student’s cubby and are sent home periodically to be laundered.

  • All Pre-K students will participate in at least one outside recess daily. Recess is held, weather permitting, and students should dress accordingly for the weather. Coats, hats and gloves will be needed for cold-weather days. In cold weather, Pre-K students will remain indoors when the wind-chill (“feels like”) temperature is below 25 degrees.

  • All MCCSC buildings have health offices with full-time health aides. All health offices are managed by registered nurses. All medications will be stored in the health office and administered by health aides. All medications must be signed in to the health office and be in their original containers. More information can be found by visiting MCCSC's Health Services.

  • Consistent attendance at school is essential to your student’s growth during their early years. By attending school regularly, your child will develop social, cognitive, language, and other important skills through direct instruction with the teacher, small and large group participation, and free play experiences. The school day is packed full of learning opportunities from start to end! If your child is absent due to illness or other reasons, please notify your student’s school office as soon as possible.

  • Good school attendance is vital to academic success. In efforts to keep all students healthy, please see the below general guidelines for guidance on illnesses and school attendance.


    Students should not come to school with:

    • Fever: higher than 100.4 orally. Child may return to school when temperature has been normal for 24 hours without the use of medication.
    • Any inflammatory eye condition with a mucous discharge – especially redness of eyes associated with any mucous discharge, swelling, or eyes that are matted shut in the morning.
    • Rash with open sores or blisters – unless child has note from the doctor stating rash is not contagious.
    • Vomiting. Student should be vomit free for 24 hours.
    • Diarrhea. Student should be diarrhea free for 24 hours.
    • Open sores that have a crusty appearance.
    • Head Lice: If your child has head lice, contact your school’s health office. After treating your child’s hair to kill the live lice and removing eggs from the hair, students need to be seen by the health aide, health aide plus (LPN), or travel school nurse (RN) before returning to school. Consult your child’s physician for treatment options and guidance. Your child may not ride the bus or return to school until cleared by the health aide, health aide plus (LPN), or travel school nurse (RN). MCCSC Lice guidelines may be found on the MCCSC website.
  • The Extended Day program is a separate fee-based program that provides before and after school care. Families interested in utilizing this service should fill out the Extended Day Registration Form.

  • MCCSC schools use the app, ParentSquare to keep families informed on important school events. Additionally, families and teachers may communicate at pick-up and drop-off times. We ask that these conversations remain brief, as the teacher’s responsibility remains on supervising the children in their care. If you need to address specific concerns, please ask to schedule a time to meet outside the classroom.

  • All MCCSC schools are locked buildings with a video entry system. In order to enter the building, families will be required to ring the video monitor to gain access. All staff have a picture ID badge to gain entry into the building.